Friday, September 9, 2011

August 23, 2011 initial observations

Observations thus far: 
·         Students are hardwired to view assignments based on points.  When first introduced to this system, students immediately jumped to the idea of being “exempt” from homework once they proved themselves proficient. 
·         The system does seem to drive students to want to do better.  On the first assignment returned, I heard many remarks that were displeased with their scores.  Several even wanted to correct their mistakes and resubmit their work. 
·         Getting students to turn in work is still an issue.  I have students in both general chemistry classes who did not turn in their work.  I do not believe it would have made a difference if I were to assign points to the assignment.  I need a better way to help students keep track of what they have and have not done. 
·         The folders have become a jumbled mess.  Students remove the folders to get their papers and record their scores but then have no idea where to put the folder back.  I need name tabs on the handing folders as well as the student folders but that seems like a lot of trouble.  Plus, I don’t have that many tabs.  (resolved with sticky tabs)
·         The mastery levels seem to spawn a lot of good conversions about why a student received a particular score and how they could improve it.
·         This system gives me the freedom to say “try” and there really be no lasting penalty for getting the answer wrong.  The students seem to like the idea of being able to improve. 
·         I am expecting lots of bumps after the first assessment on standard 1.  Students are going to take the test and bomb it but not have any proof that they should be offered a retake.  It could get messy.  . . .

Adjustments made: 
·         I need to be careful to remind them on a regular basis that their goal is to get the highest score possible and never to settle. 
·         Daily reminders to turn in assignments.  Need a list on the board or on a cabinet somewhere. . .  
·         A pencil and paper test in addition to the “out of the box” assessment for each standard will be done.  More than one assessment makes better sense anyway. 

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