Friday, January 20, 2012

Jan 20, 2012 Compromises and Behavioral ideas

We high school folk have begun the momentous task of compromising into a consistent form of this grading system to be used by all of us.  So far, we have decided to use a 4-0 scale, utilizing the following descriptions to define each level

·         4: Exceeding Standards; Fully consistent demonstration of knowledge, fully independent, No conceptual errors, solid understanding of content and application of content, synthesis of outside knowledge, use knowledge in problem solving unique situations and justify your answer
·         3: Good Enough: Meeting standards; Can apply knowledge, NO AID, Fully Independent, minimal/occasional conceptual mistakes, justify answers
·         2: Some application, rudimentary application of knowledge; Basic comprehension; Inconsistent/minimal aid used, missing/neglecting some important details
·         1: Minimal Knowledge; Something there; Can do something, substantial aid required; cannot do it independently
·         NTY: Not enough information to assess; No relevance to content, Fully inaccurate, inaccurate approach.

A             3.81-4.00
A-           3.61-3.80
B+           3.41-3.60
B             3.21-3.40
B-            3.00-3.20
C+           2.68-2.99
C             2.34-2.67
C-            2.00-2.33
D+          1.68-1.99
D             1.34-1.67
D-           1.00-1.33
F              .99-NTY

I had set up a 4 point scale for my astronomy class this year but I had set a 2 as proficient, good enough.  After much discussion, we decided to move proficient back up to the 3, B level work, as the requirement for “proficient level work”.  As I move through astronomy, I am agreeing with that decision more and more.  Originally I had been the proponent of two levels above proficient as that means to really excel but practically, it is really bloody difficult to differentiate between great and awesome.  The history teacher involved in all this has been a big proponent of having two levels below proficient to allow students a means of progression towards proficient, where in the scale with 2 as proficient they end up stuck at a 1 forever. 

Our biggest difficult is what to do about behavioral issues.  Ideally, there would be two separate grades for each student--an academic grade and a behavioral grade—thus allowing the two independent ideas to remain independent.  However, we cannot have a standards based report card for some time, which means it would have to be averaged back together, leading us back to one of the issues of current grading practice where behavior impacts non-behavior scores.  So, I am going to attempt behavioral consequences/rewards for behavioral issues.  This might not be so easy for a course where behavior is integral, like a music class, but I think it will be effective in my science classes.   I intend to try out the rewards program this semester.  I do not feel it is fair to introduce consequences (I dislike the word “punishment”)  at this late date.  My idea is to offer a “push pass” to students who turn in all assignments for a chapter.  This includes lab reports, specifically assigned homework or practice, or any other assignment that the teacher requests to be turned in.  This “push pass” would allow the student to “push” a test back a day.  It is an individual reward, not a class based one.  This would be done during class time but again, I deal with upper level students who would be able to make up work easily and there is after school tutoring available too.  I have never had a problem with test security and usually have multiple versions of a test.  Plus, most of my tests are more . . . creative. . . uses of the information that are difficult to explain to another student.  A second idea was a “class pass.”  The upper level students I have are all taking very difficult classes in addition to mine.  Some days I have to take their Bio II or calculus notes away from them so they will focus on my class and not the test they have later.  This pass would require them to have demonstrated mastery of the concepts of this standard.  Students would then be allowed to either go to the library or sit in the back of the class to study the other subject they have.  All these passes have consequences of sorts but it allows the student to decide what is the priority right now.  If it doesn’t work, I will attempt to think of some other rewards.