Thursday, November 17, 2011

ALF meeting notes 11/16/2011

AFL notes 11/16/2011
Plan for next year
·         Behavioral consequences for behavioral problems
o   Not reading, not completing homework, not doing., . . something
o   Instead of taking away points, you serve a detention that afternoon/next day to complete the work. 
·         Detailed syllabus
o   Detailed options for retakes/summative assessments
o   Detailed daily expectations
o   Definitions of SBG, summative, formative, feedback, etc
o   Behavioral consequences for missing work, incomplete assignment
o   Grading scale/mastery levels explained
o   Formative assessmentsà expectations, grading, importance
o   Advisory requirements
§  Reassessments/reassessment price done during advisory time
·         Differently weighted standards???
o   Some are more important than others and should be weighted as such. Use percentages
·         Student checklist/score tracker

Personal Notes
·         Goal setting. . . so good, but how to teach it. . . back to journals!  Focus on concepts, not assessment tools (get an A, turn in homework doesn’t work)
o   Weekly reflections on progress, necessary improvements
·         Need to redo standards and student checklists (formative, artifacts, summative)
§  Graphing instead of just listing scores
§  Stapling assessments for one standard together and keeping them in the folder.  Practice stays elsewhere
§  Maybe next year require binder and go through set up/organization repeatedly
·         How to include behavioral/nonacademic components
o   Averaging them together puts behavior back in the grade which is the problem we are trying to rectify currently. . . need a separate way to indicate it. . .
o   Doesn’t SIS have a behavior grade section?  Off to the side of the end-of-term report?
·         Interdepartmental projects
o   Do the experiment with me, write the paper with Beth, do the historical connection with Steve. . .
·         Look at MO Frameworks to develop “Behavioral Standard”. 
o   Needs a REALLY good scoring rubric
·         So can we not use SIS next year?  Please?
·         Power-Law calculations used to calculate learning trend
o   Pinnacleà Global scholar
o   Most recent grades count more than early stuff
§  Oh my goodness it’s wonderful
§  Have to put all the level 1 (teacher guided) in on the same date, all the level 2 in on the same date, etc. . . because otherwise pinnacle calculates it wrong. . .
§  Do we need DOK levels in this?
·         5-0 scale
o   5-A+
o   4-A
o   3-B
o   2-C
o   1-D
o   0-F
·         Graphing progress instead of just the chart.  Kids can SEE the trend
·         Marzano Conjunctive Scale (green assessment for learning book)
o   To get an A, you have to have no 3’s on any standards
o   To get a B, you have to have no 2’s, etc
o   There’s no averaging
·         DeSoto has behavior as a separate grade. . . not averaged into the academic grade
·         Need report card rubrics for each standard
·         Do we really need a 5?

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