Hello internet world and welcome to my corner of cyberspace. Who am I? I am no more or less than a science teacher trying to find the best ways to motivate, educate and inspire her students. Though this is only my third year of teaching, I've done a staggering amount of action research, mostly by accident. I am a very "new mousetrap" sort of person that refuses to waste time with techniques, ideas and buzz words that do not serve a purpose. Since I was trained as an analytical chemist, much of this action research has begun taking the form of reports so I can better keep track of what I have tried, what failed and what yielded fruit. Then it dawned on me-someone else might benefit from my trials, tribulations and triumphs. And thus, "The Learning Curve" was born.
So I hope you find my writings interesting or possibly even helpful. I would like to say specifically, though, that these are my opinions from my own observations. I do not mean to belittle, degrade or attack any system used by another teacher. There is no perfect system and every teacher must do what he or she feels to be ethical, effective and educational for his or her particular group of students and classroom style. Thus if you, my dear reader, ever have any suggestions to my mental quandries, I hope you chime in. I am always looking for new perspective and angles from which to approach the challenges we as teachers daily face. As all who are teachers know, this profession has a pretty steep learning curve so I hope you brought your hiking boots since we have some tough terrain ahead!
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